The Vermont Country Sampler recommends both Good Pirate and Bad Pirate

March 29th, 2017

BadPirate_Internet“At some stage in their lives daughters can become in­dependent, uppity and seemingly too savvy for their own good. But if this willful daughter is an appealing Springer Spaniel named Augusta aboard a pirate ship full of other dogs with her father as captain, things will happen that will ‘shiver your timbers.’…

Meet the foul-mouthed Captain Barnacle Garrick, his irresistible daughter, and a motley crew of sea dogs as they capture loot or survive a storm at sea. Depending on the circumstances Capt. Barnacle demands that the crew, includ­ing his daughter, be Rotten, Sneaky and Brainy in the Good Pirate book and Saucy, Bold and Selfish in The Bad Pirate book. How these commands are obeyed is illustrated in some of the most captivating seafaring dog drawings and captain-fearing adventures. You will be intrigued by the bombastic captain with his menacing hook, his free-spirited daughter who loves vanilla as a perfume, and the life of the pirate dogs….”GoodPirate_Website

Read the full review on page 28 of the March 2017 issue of the Vermont Country Sampler

Posted in Bad Pirate, Good Pirate