Posts Tagged ‘wallace-edwards’

Once Upon a Line an “interactive, imaginative book” —Booklist

October 6th, 2015

“This interactive, imaginative book opens with the drawing of a single line, used in each illustration that follows. Edwards charges the reader to identify that line in each of the completed illustrations. (It’s a tough game, but don’t worry, there is an answer sheet at the back.) Readers are then challenged to complete the story […]

Posted in Once Upon a Line

Once Upon a Line “is an educator’s delight,” says CM Magazine

September 8th, 2015

“…Edwards’ work is an educator’s delight as it offers countless instructional opportunities in storytelling, creative writing, and visual arts. Children will unquestionably enjoy the interactive nature of the book and how it openly invites them to make the stories their own. Perhaps most importantly, Once Upon a Line allows children to recognize that even the […]

Posted in Once Upon a Line

Wallace Edwards’ Once Upon a Line is “captivating”—Kirkus Reviews

June 29th, 2015

“Great-Uncle George was a magician whose “enchanted pen” has created an array of fancifully surreal illustrations, each begun with the same-shaped pen stroke and each accompanied by a brief story starter. Great-Uncle George’s mustachioed portrait appears next to a succinct history of the fictional magician and his special pen: “With this pen he would draw […]

Posted in Once Upon a Line

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