Posts Tagged ‘ten-stories-up’

Ten Stories Up wants you to read Emily For Real

June 13th, 2012

I love books that remind me exactly what it felt like to be a teenager.  And books where guys and girls have relationships that aren’t about the luuuurve.  And books that have so much real-life drama that they don’t need magic and vampires and the end of the world (although I love those too).   […]

Posted in Emily for Real

Acts of Courage “a rousing success,” says Ten Stories Up

May 26th, 2012

“Acts of Courage made me want to go dig up more information, which is surely a goal of history writers everywhere – to inspire interest in what really happened.  In that sense, a rousing success! …to people who think Canadian history is boring – this book will change your mind.”–Lindsey Carmichael Click here to read […]

Posted in Acts of Courage

Last Airlift “highly recommended” by Ten Stories Up

May 18th, 2012

[Last Airlift] would make a wonderful story, even if it were completely made up.  But it’s not.  Last Airlift is 100% nonfiction…At the same time, it reads like a novel, with characters and dialogue, bringing the experience of a young refugee vividly to life…Highly recommended to history fans, native North Americans interested in other cultures, […]

Posted in Last Airlift

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