Posts Tagged ‘good-mornings’

Good Morning, Grumple “includes plenty of opportunities for interaction between toddlers and their caregivers” says CM Magazine

April 7th, 2017

“Victoria Allenby’s sweet, lyrical text is rhythmic and loving, and it includes plenty of opportunities for interaction between toddlers and their caregivers….Sweet, simple and loving, Good Morning, Grumple would be a lovely addition to a toddler’s morning wake-up routine and is sure to help start the day off with a smile. —Jane Whittingham is a librarian in […]

Posted in Good Morning Grumple

The music in Good Morning, Grumple is “the most affirming and powerful method for urging kiddos out from under their covers” says Booklist Online

March 6th, 2017

“Allenby and Gauthier’s picture book opens on a scene likely familiar in many households…The grumple, a cranky bearlike creature, doesn’t want to get out of bed to greet the day…Allenby’s lilting lines encourage singing progressively louder, tickling toes, and kissing foreheads to get little grumples out of bed, but it’s the music that’s the most […]

Posted in Good Morning Grumple

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