Elliot is “a powerful book about a difficult subject” says RaisingMom.ca

March 16th, 2017

Elliot_WebsiteMY EXPERIENCE:

…I appreciated the way that rabbits are used as anthropomorphic representations, perhaps softening this jarring subject matter. The gouache and pencil drawings are child-like and effectively portray the wide-range of emotions that Elliot feels throughout the course of the hectic back-and-forth of his journey from birth family to foster family and back and forth again until he is placed in his ‘forever home’. I think this is a powerful book about a difficult subject that is an important read-aloud to those kids who are going through similar circumstances as well as any child who knows someone who is being fostered.


  • sensitive discussion/presentation at a kid-friendly level of a very difficult topic
  • focus is on Elliot’s emotions and blame or judgement is not placed on birth parents
  • illustrations are sensitive, gentle, yet effectively explore the range of emotions this journey evokes…


  • …excellent read-aloud with children who have friends or classmates who are being fostered to help them understand what may be going on with their peers and what ‘foster care’ means”

Click here to read the full review

Posted in Elliot