Kids’ BookBuzz 9-year-old reviewer Neela calls Bat Citizens a great resource for a research project

August 30th, 2018

Cover: Bat Citizens: Defending the Ninjas of the Night Author: Rob Laidlaw“If you love bats or the kids who are protecting them, then you will love Bat Citizens. While telling you a lot about bats, this book focuses on what kids are doing to help them. On almost every alternate page, you meet a new kid who is doing something to help the world better understand bats and their habitat.

I liked reading each kid’s story and was impressed with the things they are doing….

There are lots of photographs, and the book seems well researched, as it includes a lot of facts and many different kids. It would be great for a research project, but most kids won’t sit down and read it cover to cover….

Overall, I think this book would be best for a school library or for kids who absolutely love bats.”
—Neela, Age 9

Click here to read the full review

Posted in Bat Citizens