Youth Services Book Review recommends putting Little Fox, Lost at the top of your to-read pile!

November 17th, 2016

LittleFoxLost_WebsiteFormat: Hardcover

Rating: (1-5 5 is a starred review) 4

Genre:  Picture book

What did you like about the book? Originally written in French, this book was first published in Canada with the support of the Canadian council for the arts. It is a story of a little fox who has gone for a walk with his mother in the forest. When mother fox meets another fox and stops to chat, little fox sets off to explore on his own. He soon finds himself lost in the forest with nothing but lots of his footprints in the snow around him. When an old owl offers to show him the way home, he remembers his mother’s song about what to do if he ever gets lost. The happy ending reinforces the important message.

Anything you didn’t like about it? I liked everything about this book.

To Whom Would You Recommend this book? Told in a non-frightening way, this story addresses the situation of what to do if a child becomes separated from his mother. It’s a good story for parents to read to preschool children and for teachers to read in school to kindergarten classes. Without making children anxious about the situation, it teaches them a strategy.

Who should buy this book? All libraries

Where would you shelve it? Children’s Books

Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes”
Sandra Pacheco, ESL teacher, Washington, D.C.

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Posted in Little Fox Lost