Cat Champions “a wonderful book for any animal lover”—Resource Links

January 27th, 2014

CatChampions“Cat Champions is a compilation of stories of children who have made a difference in the world by caring for feral cats. The book is divided into sections to highlight different types of stories, from the lives that cats have when they do not live in a home, to shelters, to becoming a foster parent, and to adopting a cat and raising funds for cats who need help. Interspersed throughout the book are sidebars with information that provide readers with statistics and concrete information on the world of cats and how to look after them.

The book is simple but well put together. Every page has at least one photograph, if not more, of children and their cats. The information is easily accessible and the stories are engaging and heart-warming. It is a pleasure to read about children making a difference in the world. It includes a links page, glossary and index. The resource pages will be especially useful in a classroom research project, and the contents of the book would provide a great foundation for further research and discussion. This is a wonderful book for any animal lover.”

Rating: E—Excellent, enduring, everyone should see it!

Thematic links: Cats; Pets; Fostering Animals; Feral Cats

—Elizabeth Ford

Posted in Cat Champions