Posts Tagged ‘bravery’

Ben and the Scaredy-Dog illustrations “enhance the story…especially the scary dogs” says Kenosha News, “Off the Shelf”

November 9th, 2018

Kenosha News, “Off the Shelf” “Kids books are fun and educational, but they also let kids safely explore experiences that might make them anxious. The books reviewed here today do just that….Our last selection explores the fear of dogs….The illustrations enhance the story, especially the scary dogs that Ben draws when he thinks about being […]

Posted in Ben and the Scaredy-Dog, Book Authors, Book Illustrators, Kim La Fave, Sarah Ellis

Ben and the Scaredy-Dog is “Highly Recommended” by CM Magazine for “provid[ing] a great example of overcoming a fear”

April 8th, 2018

“When new neighbours move in across the street, Ben is interested in meeting what could possibly be a new friend. But one thing is stopping him: his fear of dogs….Kim LaFave is an illustrator with a focus of paint, pencil and digital media. His images in Ben and the Scaredy-Dog are beautiful. The feelings of fear and […]

Posted in Ben and the Scaredy-Dog

Nerdy Book Club finds Adrift at Sea to be “beautifully illustrated”

March 28th, 2017

“Adrift At Sea: A Vietnamese Boys Story of Survival by Marsha Forchuk Skyrpuch with Tuan Ho is likely the first picture book written by and about the refugees or boat people as they became known, fleeing Vietnam after the takeover of Saigon in 1975….This beautifully illustrated picture book tells the story of Tuan’s days at sea […]

Posted in Adrift at Sea

Canadian Children’s BookNews recommends When the Rain Comes for “a classroom setting to spark interest in Sri Lanka, its people, culture, geography, and climate”

March 17th, 2017

“…Alma Fullerton tells to tale in free verse. She successfully conjures up the sights and especially the sounds of a day in Sri Lanka—the song of the bullock-cart driver, the clop of the ox, the pounding of rain and the cracking of thunder. Kim La Fave’s illustrations magically transform a bedsheet into a flock of […]

Posted in When the Rain Comes

Sal’s Fiction Addiction says “Kids will happily accept an invitation to share their own stories of being afraid, and acts of bravery” after reading When the Rain Comes

March 16th, 2017

“A much anticipated sound awakens Malini! The ox cart driver is finally here with his very important load of rice seedlings. The rice is ready to plant; Malini is ready to help with that planting. The driver asks the young girl to ‘keep an eye’ on his ox while he takes a needed break. Malini is a bit frightened by its […]

Posted in When the Rain Comes

Quill & Quire Review of Acts of Courage: Laura Secord and the War of 1812

March 1st, 2012

“Given her knowledge of the subject, it’s not surprising that Crook’s attention to detail and setting is excellent, providing the reader with insight into the social and political situations of the time….the story provides an opportunity to see Secord’s resourcefulness, compassion, and independent spirit on full display.”

Posted in Acts of Courage

CM Magazine Review of Acts of Courage

February 27th, 2012

“Readers of all ages like to learn new things while they are being entertained and will appreciate Crook’s care and skill in painting a detailed, fascinating picture of Laura’s times. Acts of Courage, an accurate, accessible novel, is timely for bicentennial anniversary of the War of 1812”. Click here to read full review.

Posted in Acts of Courage

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