Posts Tagged ‘aid’

My Beautiful Birds Extended Author’s Note

August 31st, 2016

Suzanne Del Rizzo, author and illustrator of My Beautiful Birds, writes: With the increased news coverage about the Syrian conflict, young readers may have questions and feel distressed. Approaching the subject in an age-appropriate way to ensure they feel safe can often be difficult. Here are some website resources which feature information on the Syrian […]

Posted in My Beautiful Birds

Interview with Samaritan’s Feet

January 4th, 2013

Kato, the main character in Alma Fullerton and Karen Patkau’s new picture book A Good Trade, is overwhelmed with gratitude when he receives a pair of shoes. Did you ever wonder why? What makes a pair of shoes so exciting? To answer that question, we’re interviewing representatives from organizations that have devoted themselves to shoes, […]

Posted in A Good Trade

Interview with Soles4Souls

November 26th, 2012

Kato, the main character in Alma Fullerton and Karen Patkau’s new picture book A Good Trade, is overwhelmed with gratitude when he receives a pair of shoes. Did you ever wonder why? What makes a pair of shoes so exciting? To answer that question, we’re interviewing representatives from organizations that have devoted themselves to shoes, […]

Posted in A Good Trade

Sal’s Fiction Addiction reviews A Good Trade

November 20th, 2012

The author uses clear prose and descriptive language to make the reader aware of the life that Kato lives. We hear the silence of the early morning, see the soldiers as they stand guard, feel the sloshing of the water on Kato’s bare, dusty toes, catch our breath with him as he hauls the water home […]

Posted in A Good Trade

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