A World of Kindness


The editors of Pajama Press unite with nine of their celebrated children’s illustrators and to create a picture book about the many ways a small child can make the world a kinder place.

SKU: 9781772781090 Category:


Nine celebrated children’s picture book illustrators, including Rebecca Bender, Wallace Edwards, and Suzanne Del Rizzo, unite to illustrate an empowering text that celebrates the ways young children can show kindness.

Are you kind?

In a series of simple yet evocative questions, this impactful book asks children how they will show kindness and consideration for others. Written by the editors of Pajama Press, and illustrated by celebrated Pajama Press artists, these stunning pages inspire meaningful discussion and storytelling about the understated yet powerful ways in which children might influence the world around them. A World of Kindness goes beyond mere rhetoric to examine, in a child-friendly way, everyday social interactions where a kind word or act could have a transformative affect on others.

Many of the original images in this book have been donated by the artists. The cover art was created and donated by award-winning author-illustrator Suzanne Del Rizzo.

Additional information

Weight0.2 kg
Dimensions0.4 × 25.4 × 22.86 cm
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