Archive for the ‘Elliot’ Category

Elliot is “a powerful book about a difficult subject” says

March 16th, 2017

“MY EXPERIENCE: …I appreciated the way that rabbits are used as anthropomorphic representations, perhaps softening this jarring subject matter. The gouache and pencil drawings are child-like and effectively portray the wide-range of emotions that Elliot feels throughout the course of the hectic back-and-forth of his journey from birth family to foster family and back and […]

Posted in Elliot

Four Pajama Press titles featured in Best Books for Kids & Teens 2016 Fall Edition

January 20th, 2017

Elliot by Julie Pearson, illustrated by Manon Gauthier “Elliot’s parents love him, but they don’t know how to take care of him. When a social worker name Thomas comes, Elliot’s world turns upside down….” Going for a Sea Bath by Andrée Poulin, illustrated by Anne-Claire Delisle “When Leanne complains that bath time is boring, her […]

Posted in Elliot, Going for a Sea Bath, Sky Pig, The Hill

Elliot gets a 4 STAR review from E. R. Bird

October 26th, 2016

“…[P]icture books carry heavy burdens, far above and beyond their usual literacy needs. People use picture books for all sorts of reasons. There are picture books for high school graduates, for people to read aloud during wedding ceremonies, for funerals, and as wry adult jokes. On the children’s side, picture books can help parents and […]

Posted in Elliot

Elliot “a must-have for public libraries”—Youth Services Book Review

August 23rd, 2016

This is a book that tries to explain the foster care system to young children. We are introduced to a little rabbit named Elliot and told ‘His mother and father loved him very much.’ But unfortunately, they do not know what to do when Elliot cries or yells or misbehaves….Thomas tells Elliot he will find […]

Posted in Elliot

Waking Brain Cells endorses Elliot, “This book is so very important.”

April 15th, 2016

“This book is so very important. It is a book about the foster care system and one that is so intensely honest that it can be hard to read at times. Pearson manages to not make Elliot’s parents bad at all, keeping their neglect of Elliot vague enough to fit the experiences of many children… […]

Posted in Elliot

Elliot is “a must-read,” says Today’s Parent

March 3rd, 2016

“Written by Julie Pearson (an adoptive mother) and illustrated by Manon Gauthier, Elliot is a gentle guide to the foster child system from a kid’s point of view. Elliot’s parents love him, but when he starts crying and misbehaving they don’t know what to do. That’s when Elliot meets a social worker named Thomas… …The […]

Posted in Elliot

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