Bat Citizens: Defending the Ninjas of the Night is “an excellent book” says The Hamilton Spectator

May 28th, 2018

Cover: Bat Citizens: Defending the Ninjas of the Night Author: Rob Laidlaw“Bats have it tough right now. Not only are they suffering from habitat loss, but the disease white-nose syndrome (WNS) is wiping out entire bat populations. To help these important and fascinating animals we need to learn more about them and Rob Laidlaw’s book Bat Citizens: Defending the Ninjas of the Night provides lots of interesting information….

Complementing the interesting text are numerous colour photographs, a centre-gatefold bat illustration and a poster. Numerous features of ‘Bat Citizens’ (young people working to protect bats) along with sidebars and a glossary also help to make Bat Citizens an excellent book aimed at helping these incredible, vital and often misunderstood mammals. Highly recommended!”

Click here to read the full review

Posted in Bat Citizens