Best Books for Kids & Teens featured nine Pajama Press books, including five Starred Selections, in the Spring 2017 issue

May 15th, 2017

Pajama Press is very proud to announce that nine of our Spring 2017 books are featured in the Canadian Children’s Book Centre’s Best Books for Kids & Teens.

Adrift at Sea by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch with Tuan Ho and illustrated by Brian Deines is a Starred Selection

All the World a Poem by Gilles Tibo and illustrated by Manon Gauthier is a Starred Selection

Hat On, Hat Off by Theo Heras and illustrated by Renne Benoit is a selection

How Do You Feel? by Rebecca Bender is a selection

Rhino Rumpus by Victoria Allenby and illustrated by Tara Anderson is a Starred Selection

When the Rain Comes by Alma Fullerton and illustrated by Kim La Fave is a Starred Selection

Timo’s Party by Victoria Allenby and illustrated by Dean Griffiths is a selection

RootBeerCandyAndOtherMiracles_WebsiteRoot Beer Candy and Other Miracles by Shari Green is a Starred Selection

NextRound_WebsiteNext Round: A Young Athlete’s Journey to Gold by John Spray is a selection

Congratulations to all of our authors, and our sincerest thanks to the Canadian Children’s Book Centre and Friesens for their continued dedication to promoting childhood literacy and quality children’s literature.

Posted in Adrift at Sea, All the World a Poem, Hat On Hat Off, How Do You Feel, Next Round, Rhino Rumpus, Root Beer Candy and Other Miracles, When the Rain Comes