“Rating: (1-5, 5 is an excellent or starred review) 4…
What did you like about the book? This is a beautiful book about a little girl who is half Jamaican and half French Canadian….The illustrations are wonderful and the descriptions of the food are perfect.
Anything you didn’t like about it? I liked everything about this book.
To Whom Would You Recommend this book? This is recommended for children ages 4-7. It would be a good addition to a multi-cultural library. Kindergarten children will also enjoy the story read aloud to them. It will stimulate discussion on race.
Who should buy this book? This would be good for elementary school libraries and public libraries that have a children’s section….
Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? Yes”
—Sandra Pacheco ESL teacher, Washington, D.C.
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