Little Fox, Lost is “a charming tale” with “the most adorable animals you can imagine” affirms Life in Québec Magazine

January 4th, 2017

LittleFoxLost_Website“Known for her imaginative use of animals in storytelling, Belgian-born Nicole Snitselaar has created a charming tale about a scary thought. What if you went out with your mother one day and got lost? In this case, an exuberant little fox, playing in the snow, loses sight of his mother….

This book is beautifully illustrated by Venezuelan artist Alicia Padrón. There are no scary creatures or dark threatening corners in these woods, just soft fluffy snow and the most adorable animals you can imagine….”
—Lorie Pierce

Read the full review on page 48 of the December 2016-March 2017 issue of Life in Québec Magazine

Posted in Little Fox Lost