Canadian Children’s BookNews says All the World a Poem “will fill [young readers] with the understanding that magic exists.”

December 29th, 2016

AllTheWorldAPoem_Website2“…All the World a Poem is a poetic picture book that immerses the reader in a world or words and wonder….From the moment this book is opened and a kaleidoscope of butterflies greets you, you are immediately transported­ – almost as if on the wings of said butterflies….

For young readers, hearing the words of All the World a Poem will fill them with the understanding that magic exists. This is grounded in the natural environment that Gilles Tibo and Manon Gauthier draw from the text. This beautiful book is best read together, leaving all enchanted by the depth and simplicity it creates. Even the presentation of the words on the page in relation to the illustrations gives the reader a new or re-imagined understanding of the fluidity of poetry.”
—Ashley Pamenter

Read the full review on page 26 of the Winter 2016 issue of Canadian Children’s BookNews

Posted in All the World a Poem