Bad Pirate and A Year of Borrowed Men shortlisted for the Chocolate Lily Book Award

August 25th, 2016

Bad Pirate by Kari-Lynn Winters and Dean GriffithsPajama Press is proud to announce that two of our recent titles have been shortlisted for the 2017 Chocolate Lily Book Award. Bad Pirate, written by Kari-Lynn Winters and illustrated by Dean Griffiths, and A Year of Borrowed Men, written by Michelle Barker and illustrated by Renné Benoit, have both been nominated under the Picture Books category.

A Year of Borrowed Men | Michelle Barker & Renné Benoit | Pajama PressThe Chocolate Lily Book Award is a young readers’ choice program that encourages grade school students to read and enjoy some of the best fiction by British Columbia’s authors and illustrators. The program is intended to spark a love of reading in the reluctant reader and enrich the strong reader’s passion for books.

We are pleased to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our nominated B.C. creators, Dean Griffiths and Michelle Barker.

Click here to see all the nominees.







Posted in A Year of Borrowed Men, Bad Pirate