This may be the most exciting video we have seen all month. It’s good to know that there is a Super Book Boy out there watching over the most exciting new reads!
“Hello everyone, I am Super Book Boy, and today I have a new book for you. This book is called Next Round: A Young Athlete’s Journey to Gold by John Spray. This book is about a Canadian athlete named Arthur Biyarslanov who, after he broke his leg during soccer practice, tried out boxing. Arthur is from Chechnya, and was only three years old during the first Chechen war. He and his family had to escape from Chechnya as refugees to find a better place to live. This is a true story, and also a very exciting one. My favourite character in this book is… Arthur, of course! And my favourite part of this book is when Arthur faced Zsolt, another boxing champion, for the first time. That was a really exciting part. So will Arthur defeat Zsolt in the book? Read the book, and you’ll find out!
I give this book FIVE STARS ‘cause it was entertaining the whole entire time. I recommend this book to kids who want to be athletes and boxers when they’re older, and kids who like action stories and sports.
For now, that’s all from Super Book Boy. Hi-yah! Hi-yah! [punching motions]”