Archive for June, 2015

Publishers Weekly praises In a Cloud of Dust

June 30th, 2015

 “Through the fictional story of a Tanzanian girl named Anna, Fullerton (Community Soup) and Deines (Bear on the Homefront) reveal how bicycles can change the lives of children whose families lack access to motorized transportation. Opening on “a little schoolhouse [that] sits at the end of a dusty road,” Deines shows Anna working indoors at […]

Posted in In a Cloud of Dust

Wallace Edwards’ Once Upon a Line is “captivating”—Kirkus Reviews

June 29th, 2015

“Great-Uncle George was a magician whose “enchanted pen” has created an array of fancifully surreal illustrations, each begun with the same-shaped pen stroke and each accompanied by a brief story starter. Great-Uncle George’s mustachioed portrait appears next to a succinct history of the fictional magician and his special pen: “With this pen he would draw […]

Posted in Once Upon a Line

“Sincerely Sweet”—Kirkus reviews Giraffe Meets Bird by Rebecca Bender

June 29th, 2015

“The unlikeliest of friendships grows, baby step by baby step. As Bird emerges from his shell, Giraffe’s head looms nearby. Giraffe is “surprised,” and Bird is “amazed.” Each double-page spread of Bender’s story focuses on a small development in the duo’s relationship, using crunchy vocabulary in large, emphatic type to explain it. Giraffe is “fascinated” […]

Posted in Giraffe Meets Bird

Moon at Nine is the romantic adventure tale longed for by queer teenagers—Plenitude Magazine

June 18th, 2015

“Like a conscientious hiker, Deborah Ellis treads skilfully through the historical terrain of her thirtieth work, Moon at Nine. The revolutionary tumult of 1980s post-shah Iran might not seem like fertile territory for a YA novel with queer and feminist themes, yet Ellis’s superbly crafted storytelling weaves together the ensuing political chaos with a teenage […]

Posted in Moon at Nine

Resource Links calls Uncertain Soldier “Compelling”

June 18th, 2015

“Erich Hofmeyer is an uncertain soldier. He enlisted in the German navy only because his father left him no choice, and now his ship has been sunk, and he is in in a POW camp in northern Alberta. His British grandparents have given him a broader world view than his fellow German soldiers, and he […]

Posted in Uncertain Soldier

Kirkus Reviews praises In a Cloud of Dust

June 10th, 2015

“In Tanzania, a bicycle lending library provides joy for village schoolchildren. When the truck full of bicycles arrives at Anna’s school, there aren’t quite enough for hardworking Anna to get one, at first, but she helps her friends learn to ride, and on their way home, she gets her turn. In A Good Trade, illustrated […]

Posted in In a Cloud of Dust

A Kirkus Star for Bad Pirate!

June 10th, 2015

“Wicked smart pacing and playful art tell the tale of a pirate too doggone loyal for her own good. Capt. Barnacle Garrick may be the scurviest cur (literally—he’s a springer spaniel) to sail the seven seas, but his blue-eyed daughter Augusta is kind, considerate, and caring. In short, she’s a very bad pirate indeed. Disgusted—she’s […]

Posted in Bad Pirate

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