Archive for January, 2014

Snuggle Up and Read for Family Literacy Day

January 31st, 2014

A small school in North Bay, Ontario hosted a remarkable event for Family Literacy Day this week. Inspired by the Family Literacy Day booklist compiled by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre, a teacher at J.W. Trusler Public School decided to organize a “Snuggle Up and Read” event, inviting parents to bring their pajama-clad children to […]

Posted in Hoogie In the Middle, Tweezle into Everything

Kirkus Reviews: “the Stowaways deliver page-turning, cliffhanging, heartwarming, first-rate adventure.”

January 29th, 2014

“An adventure-seeking mouse leaves the safety of home to search for his missing grandfather in the terrifying World Beyond, with perilous consequences. Rory Stowaway has grown up in the protected Weedle Mouse community, but he knows “his own life [is] meant for adventure.” Unlike the Weedle mice who scorn them, the Stowaways have “always been […]

Posted in The Stowaways

Cat Champions will “inspire new advocates”—Kirkus Reviews

January 29th, 2014

“As he did in No Shelter Here (2012), Laidlaw offers a brief history and basic details about a particular kind of companion animal (in this case, cats) and recognizes individuals and organizations who advocate and care for them. Feline fanciers and casual browsers alike will be attracted by the numerous photos—generally three to seven per […]

Posted in Cat Champions

Resource Links can’t say enough about The Stowaways

January 27th, 2014

“The Stowaways tells the story of twin brothers, Rory and Morgan Stowaway, and their family, which includes Mama, Papa, Gran, and their little sister, Bimble. They are Weedle mice, and they live next to a Cranberry Bog near Biggle’s farm. Unlike the other Weedle mice around them, The Stowaways have a strong spirit of adventure. […]

Posted in The Stowaways

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