Full Pajama Press list recognized in Best Books for Kids & Teens

December 1st, 2013

Pajama Press is thrilled to announce that every book in our Spring 2013 list has been recognized in the Canadian Children’s Book Centre‘s Fall 2013 edition of Best Books for Kids & Teens. Those books are:

NixMinusOneNix Minus One by Jill MacLeanStarred Selection

Namesake_LRNamesake by Sue MacLeod

HoogieInTheMiddle_LRHoogie in the Middle by Stephanie McLeallan, illustrated by Dean Griffiths

CommunitySoup_LRCommunity Soup by Alma FullertonStarred Selection

Congratulations to Jill, Sue, Stephanie, Dean, and Alma!

Posted in Comunity Soup, Hoogie In the Middle, Namesake, Nix Minus One